Philip Demosthenes, Principal, Philip B Demosthenes, LLC,


Phil is a recognized national expert in the field of access management. He has over 40 years of experience providing services in policy and program development and in the application of access management strategies to existing corridors. His speciality is in providing consulting services in the support of establishing access managment programs, policies, standards, and procedures for state and local governments.

Public clients since 2004: Iowa DOT, Arkansas DOT, Alaska DOT&PF; Texas A&M University; Colorado DOT; Tennessee DOT; Maricopa Association of Governments (Phoenix); Nashville Area MPO; Kentucky Transportation Cabinet; Center for Urban Transportation Research at University of South Florida; Kansas DOT; New Mexico DOT; Arizona DOT; California DOT; Idaho Transportation Department; COMPASS (Boise area COG); Ada County Highway District, Idaho; Louisiana DOTD; Lafayette MPO LA; Gulf Regional Planning Commission MS; Denver Regional Transportation District; City of Black Hawk, CO; City of Greenwood Village, CO; City of La Quinta, CA; Lake County, CA/City Area Planning Council; Institute of Transportation Engineers; American Society of Civil Engineers; Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada; the National Traffic Safety Research Center of the People's Republic of China; and the Emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai of the United Arab Emirates.

Relevant Recent and Past Major Projects,

Assisting the New Mexico DOT in the update of their State Access Management Manual and related policies. This includes revisions to procedures, program framework, decision and design criteria for both access permitting systems and interstate access modifications incorporating best national practices and agency preferences.

Iowa Department of Transportation. Collaborating with Iowa State University, Institute for Transportation on the development of access control regulations and an internal access management engineering and procedures manual on behalf of the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Arkansas DOT. A research study working with the University of Arkansas, to examine and document the present access management practices at the state and local level in Arkansas. Compare the current Arkansas practices with both the nationwide state-of-the-practice, and with experiences of other states with similar environments, and then recommend revised and or new policies and guidelines that ARDOT can implement.

City of San Luis Obispo, California. In collaboration with a local engineering firm, provide information and draft text as needed for use in zoning, subdivision, planning and engineering ordinances and guidance to implement modern access management strategies within the municipality.

City of Franklin, Tennessee. In collaboration with a local engineering firm, provided access and roundabout strategies related to the major redesign of Columbia Avenue, US-31 .

Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, Tennessee. Access Management Study providing the Nashville Area MPO, Tennessee DOT, and local government partners with a set of customized access management strategies and a plan for coordinating access management decisions along 34 miles of State Route 109.

Alaska DOT&PF. Technical Lead to develop access management solutions for major highways in Alaska. Prepared a state-of-access-management report and an assessment of agency current access management and controlled-access policies and procedures. Completed a re-write of the driveway decision and design section for their Pre-Construction Manual.

Lake County, California/City Area Planning Council, SR 29. Prepared an assessment of existing access-related conditions and a report of recommendations to address current access-related safety and operational problems for a 21-mile corridor study.

Access Management Plan for SR 49, in Angels Camp, California. Developed a high-level access management plan and access strategy toolbox for SR 49.

US-60, Grand Avenue, Maricopa Association of Governments, Arizona. A twenty-four-mile major urban corridor study involving six cities. Responsibilities included an access conditions report, recommendations for access management improvements and access management planning strategies.

TRB Access Management Manual, Second Edition. As a co-author, primary responsibilities included writing material for chapters covering state access management programs, right-of-way and access control, and corridor access management plans and permitting. Assisted by providing information, reviews, and ideas for the remaining chapters.

Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Developed a new access management program. Authored the 240 page Abu Dhabi Access Management Policy and Procedures manual. Work included research of international practices and preparation of all aspects of the program, including regulatory policy, procedures, design criteria, and a toolbox of access management techniques.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Interchange Value Engineering Studies. As an Access Management Specialist, participated in two, one-week long, value engineering studies regarding proposed interchanges and the access management of the approach roads.

Kansas DOT. Provided technical expertise, program evaluations, and information on best national practices to support the updating of their Corridor Management Policy.

Access Management Lead, SH 44 Corridor Preservation Study, Ada and Canyon Counties, ID. This 15 mile access management and corridor preservation study has developed a corridor plan and design concept that recognizes and supports the future land uses proposed for the corridor. Phil’s role included access management analysis and planning, developing an area circulation plan, determining major access locations for both traffic signals and roundabouts, preparing the access management report and public outreach regarding access management.

Caltrans SR 49, City of Angels CA., An access management planning project for an old highway through a 150 year old rural town seeking context sensitive solutions for maintaining capacity and safety.

Access Management Lead, US 20/26 Corridor Preservation Study, Ada and Canyon Counties, ID. As access management specialist for the project, Phil led the development of an access management report and plan for this 15 mile corridor west of Boise. The project involved access management investigation, development of a circulator system, coordination with pending developments, advising local governments and public outreach. Major issues included major intersection spacing, roadway performance measures, safety analysis and access plan and report preparation. 

Evaluation of Roundabout Operation, Safety and Design, La Quinta, CA, Jefferson and Ave 52.As a roundabout specialist, Phil conducted an evaluation of current operation, safety history, design and traffic control elements of the current high speed roundabout. Goal was to identify deficiencies causing capacity, operational and safety problems. Preparation of report containing evaluation as well as recommendations for improvements both short term and ultimate design.

Project Manager and Access Management Lead, ADOT Statewide Access Management Program, AZ. Phil worked to develop a comprehensive and modern access management program for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). The goal was to design the program to deal with unprecedented growth throughout the state using access management methods and policies to preserve the function, efficiency and safety of state highways. Phil was involved in developing all aspects of the program including policies, regulations, procedures, management framework, standards and implementation strategies. 

Access Management Lead, Lake Hazel Road Extension/Gowen Road Relocation Alignment Study - ACHD, Boise, Idaho. A transportation plan and alignment concept design to locate a new arterial alignment connection from the east end of Lake Hazel Road to I-84 to accommodate the planed expansion of the Boise Airport. The project included the conceptual design and evaluation of more than 12 miles of new and realigned roadways, railroad and canal crossings. Phil's role included access management investigation, development of a circulator system, coordination with pending developments, advising local governments and public outreach concluding with an access management report. Major issues included access location and design standards, roadway performance measures, and access plan and report preparation.

Fairview Concept Design - Ada County HD, Boise and Meridian, ID. Contributed to the concept design and access management plan for 8 miles of Fairview Avenue in the Cities of Boise and Meridian in Idaho. Collaborated with Boise and Meridian staff, as well as the Ada County Highway District to develop design criteria and alternatives that meet the needs of each agency. Presented elements of the plan and access management concepts to elected officials and businesses along the corridor.

Ada County Highway District (Boise ID). Evaluation of access management procedures and standards. A summary review of the current access standards for the Ada County Highway District.

 Idaho Transportation Department. Evaluate and revise 2008 draft legislation that would establish statutory authority for ITD to develop and enforce access management plans on state highways. Appeared before a joint Idaho House and Senate transportation committee to present access management benefits and strategies.

Evaluation of Roundabout operation, Sims and W. Quincy, Jefferson Co CO. As roundabout specialist for the project, Phil conducted an evaluation of current operation, safety history, and design and traffic control elements of the current roundabout. Emphasis was to identify deficiencies causing safety, capacity and operational problems. Included preparation of a report containing evaluation as well as recommendations for improvements for both short term and ultimate design.

North 36th Street, Hill Road and Catalpa Drive Intersection (Boise ID). Phil completed a preliminary roundabout feasibility investigation of the five leg intersection of North 36th Street, Hill Road and Catalpa Drive in Boise to determine if a roundabout would be an effective intersection option. A major concern was the children from the adjacent middle school. The intersection currently used a multi phase signal to handle the five approach legs. The roundabout analysis showed that a five leg single lane roundabout with year 2030 volumes would easily operate at this location and still have reserve capacity.

Access Management and Roundabout Training.
2002 to present, Instructor, University of California, Berkeley.
Providing one and two day seminars in access management, intersection safety and roundabout planning and design to transportation professionals in California. These courses are managed by the University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Transportation Studies, extension service. They occur all over California. Current course titles include: "Access Management and Site Design" and "Roundabout Design".

Access Management Web Seminar
For the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Developed and presented "Access Management Techniques for the Design of Safe & Efficient Urban Streets". Presented in support of the recent publication (2008) of "Urban Street Geometric Design Handbook".

Access Management Training and Meetings, Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation in Edmonton. Provided training in access management strategies and application to planners, engineers, and property agents. Lead meetings with various agency professionals and management on access management program development and possible implementation in Alberta.

Access Management and Roundabout Training. Centre for Transportation Engineering and Planning, Alberta Transportation, Edmonton. Presented one day of training in access management and one day of training in roundabout planning, evaluation and design.

Access Management Training National Traffic Safety Research Center of the People's Republic of China. Prepared and presented a three day course on access management in Beijing for transportation planners and engineers from throughout China.

Reed Market Corridor Study, Bend, OR This study identified the need for short- and long-term improvements along a 2.2-mile major arterial corridor. During the planning phase, Phil provided access management, roundabout and corridor expertise in the development of corridor and design alternatives for this project. He also provided a workshop on access management to the City and public outreach on the project.

Access Management Legislation, Colorado. Working with Colorado DOT chief counsel, prepared proposes legislation for submittal for consideration. Represented CDOT before State Senate and House of Representatives in support of the bill. Legislation signed into law June 1979. Represented CDOT during follow-up presentation of Bill implementation during the 1980 and 1981 legislative sessions.

Colorado Access Code Development Prepared the first modern access management code for the Colorado DOT. Researched state of practice, numerous research studies. Chaired two committees, technical and administrative, to assist in writing material. New regulations adopted by the Colorado Transportation Commission in 1981. Prepared and implemented Code revisions in 1985 and 1998.

Colorado Access Management Classification System and Assignments. Following preparation of a five-level classification system in Fall 1979, used film logs, field trips, agency and local government reviews to complete the assignment of the classification system to over 9,800 miles of state highways. Represented CDOT before the Legislature during their review of the system and assignments.

Colorado Access Control Demonstration Project Wrote the proposal for a special FHWA access control demonstration project making Colorado one of only three state to be awarded 10.5 million dollars in special demonstration funding. Served as project manager for research studies and development of preliminary design. Project resulted in over 9 miles of roadway improvements and a special report to FHWA and the U. S. Congress presenting how the management of access preserves roadway capacity and safety and lowers the need for future re-construction. Published in the US Congressional Record in 1986.

Michigan Statewide Access Management Study Assisted Michigan DOT in addressing problems relating to access management and the driveway permit process along state highways. Problems reflected concerns about the adequacy of current access management standards and concerns about the effectiveness of existing procedures and legislation. Access control policies were evaluated as they pertained to site development, driveway control, traffic operations and the state and local review process. Evaluation also included comparative analysis of other State DOTs with Michigan's rules for driveway access regulation. Other work involved reviewing the legal framework in Michigan, and identifying potential regulation changes. Project identified a set of policies and guidelines that clearly defined the roles of MDOT and local agencies, and that improved or maintained traffic along highway corridors.

South Dakota Department of Transportation Review and evaluation of current access management program, procedures and policies. A major report was completed detailing recommendations for program modernization and implementation. Phil lead the task on legal and policy assessment, and actively participated in the preparation of reports and recommendations. A detailed implementation plan was developed. The project resulted in new legislation and South Dakota now has a new access management program.

New Jersey State Highway Access Management Code Development The State Highway Access Management Act established in 1989, required New Jersey DOT to adopt an access management code to address competing needs of roadway users and abutting land owners, and to protect the integrity of the state highway system. Jerry Gluck as Project Manager led the consultant team in performing key tasks pursuant to establishing the code, including developing a state highway access classification system, determining allowable levels of access, access, developing access and spacing standards, developing procedures and alternative designs for lots not conforming with access and spacing standards, and proposing procedures for developing access management plans.

Oregon Access Management Rules, Policies and Procedures Provided consulting services, technical review and evaluation of proposed revisions to the current (1993) Oregon access permitting program.

Montana Statewide Access Management Project The Montana DOT wanted to strengthen access management throughout the state. The project completed an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current approach, including the legal framework and administrative basis for access management in Montana and the applicability of lessons learned in other states. The team developed an enhanced approach to access management and an implementation plan for initiating and maintaining the enhanced approach. The results included recommended access spacing and design criteria that could be uniformly administered.

1985 to 2004 In addition to those listed above, provided general assistance to support various agencies in their access management programs, providing various levels of training, presentations on specific topics, advice on program strategies and management, and policy matters. This has included several state DOTs: New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Maine, Ohio, Oregon, Montana, South Dakota, Nevada, Utah and Illinois, as well as the Texas Transportation Institute, Canadian providences of Manitoba and British Columbia, and the Greek Ministry of Public Works in Athens.

Recent Involvement in litigation and as an Expert Witness in Access Management:

Jennifer Buddy v. Jonathan E. Knapp; State Of New Jersey; Borough Of Folsom; Wawa, Inc.

Damien Conneen v. State Of New Jersey; Wawa, Inc.; Adamucci Associates, LLC; et al

Aurora Urban Renewal Authority v. R. Sharma, Arapahoe Co District Court, CO. 2016-CV-30188 (2017)

Regional Transportation District v. Hess Jefferson/Newlin, et al.,Lakewood CO, Jefferson County District Court Case No. 2008CV3585 (2010)

Marie J. Webb Ranch LLC, & M J Mesa LLC, Parcel 4 of Colorado DOT Project NH 160A-003, La Plata County. Prepared a rebuttal report regarding access to and from a parcel being acquired by the Colorado DOT. 2008.

Case No: 07-CV-2114, Department of Transportation, State of Colorado vs. Case International Co, El Paso District Court (2007). Prepared a rebuttal report regarding access management issues. Was deposed regarding the rebuttal report.

City of Greenwood Village vs. CNL Funding 2000-A., Arapahoe County District Court, (2006). Wrote an opinion letter regarding pertinent facts on a parcel acquisition and access limitations by the City of Greenwood Village.

City of Black Hawk v. Yonkers, et al. Gilpin county District Court, No. 2004-CV-81 (2004). Prepared an opinion letter and testified as an expert in the field of access management, the Colorado DOT access program, and the facts regarding access management at the location of the Yonkers property on SH 119.

Case No.98 CV 2553, Department of Transportation, State of Colorado v. Colorado and Eastern Railroad Company, District Court, Adams County (2001). Represented the Department of Transportation as a witness and a Department expert on the access management program.

Philip Demosthenes, Principal
Philip B Demosthenes, LLC
Denver, Colorado
pdemos at
